DKNIGHT is the governance token for the Dark KnightSwap DEX on Fantom
Where is Dark Knight available for purchase?
You can exchange DKNIGHT tokens on both decentralized and centralized crypto platforms. The favored choice for purchasing and trading Dark Knight is Dark KnightSwap, notably the DKNIGHT/WFTM pair, which saw a trading volume of $ 229.17 in the past day.
What is the highest value Dark Knight (DKNIGHT) has ever reached?
Dark Knight (DKNIGHT) reached its peak price at 0.2195 $ on 09 March 2022, approximately 3 years ago ago. Presently, the current price is -99.96% lower than this all-time high.
What is the historical minimum price for Dark Knight (DKNIGHT)?
The minimum price reached for Dark Knight (DKNIGHT) was 0.00004757 $, documented on 03 February 2025, more than a month ago. In comparison, the current price is 77.12%, it above this historical low.
What is the fully diluted valuation of Dark Knight (DKNIGHT)?
The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of Dark Knight (DKNIGHT) stands at $ 25,732. This figure reflects the maximum potential market capitalization, considering that the current circulating supply is at its maximum of DKNIGHT tokens. The realization of this FDV might take several years depending on the emission schedule of DKNIGHT tokens.